Author Archives: ongovhealth

Overdose Awareness Day—August 31st

Local communities around the world are coming together on Overdose Awareness Day to remember those who have passed away or suffered permanent injury due to drug overdose. In 2020, the CDC reported that 93,000 people died from an opioid overdose in the midst of the pandemic, with 156 of those deaths occurring locally in Onondaga… Read more >

Mosquitoes Found Positive for West Nile Virus

Onondaga County Health Commissioner, Dr. Indu Gupta, was notified by the New York State Department of Health Wadsworth Laboratory today that a mosquito pool from a trap located at Island Road in the town of Cicero has tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV). Dr. Gupta explains that “West Nile virus is spread by the… Read more >

Two Mosquito Pools Found Positive for Jamestown Canyon Virus

Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Indu Gupta announced today that lab results show the presence of the Jamestown Canyon virus in two mosquito pools, one from a trap located on Midler Avenue in Syracuse, and another located in Onondaga Lake Park in Liverpool. This is the first finding of the virus in mosquitoes in Onondaga… Read more >

Clift Park Beach in Village of Skaneateles Closed for Swimming

The Onondaga County Health Department announced today that Clift Park Beach located in the Village of Skaneateles will be closed for swimming due to high levels of bacteria (E.coli) in the water. Swimming will not be allowed until bacteria levels return to acceptable levels. The Health Department will be monitoring the lake water daily until… Read more >

Oneida Shores Beach Closed for Swimming

The Onondaga County Health Department announced today that Oneida Shores Beach, located in the town of Cicero, will be closed for swimming due to high levels of bacteria (E.coli) in the water. Swimming will not be allowed until bacteria levels return to acceptable levels. The Health Department will be monitoring the lake water daily until… Read more >

Emergence of Tickborne Disease in CNY

Twice as Many Cases of Anaplasmosis in 2021 than Previous 5-Year Total Onondaga County Health Commissioner, Dr. Indu Gupta, announced the emergence of anaplasmosis, a tickborne disease that is typically rare in Central New York. In the previous 5 years, a total of 3 cases were reported in Onondaga County; so far this year, there… Read more >

Oneida Shores Beach Approved to Reopen for Swimming

The Onondaga County Health Department announced today that Oneida Shores Beach, located in the town of Cicero, is approved to be reopened for swimming. Oneida Shores Beach was closed on June 29 due to water quality issues. Water quality test results received today now show acceptable levels. Beach operations will now resume at Oneida Shores… Read more >

Preventing Rabies Exposure from Wild Animals

Onondaga County Health Commissioner, Dr. Indu Gupta, reminds Onondaga County residents to take precautions to protect themselves, their families, and their pets from rabies. Rabies is a deadly but preventable disease that is transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. There have already been positive cases of rabid animals reported this year in Onondaga… Read more >