Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Oneida

DEPARTMENT: Health Department                           For Further Information Please Call:

                                                                                          Russell Nemecek
DATE: July 17, 2012                                                     (315) 435-6623

Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Oneida River


Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Cynthia B. Morrow has issued a Blue-Green Algae Advisory for the Oneida River. This advisory was issued because a blue-green algae bloom has been identified on the west side of Horseshoe Island in the Oneida River. People and animals should avoid contact with any algae blooms, surface scums, and colored water.
Blue-green algal blooms can turn the water green and can form thick surface scums on the water. Dr. Morrow states that, “Certain types of blue-green algae can release toxins that may cause skin or eye irritation, or diarrhea and vomiting if ingested. People and animals should keep out of the water where blooms are present.”
The Health Department recommends taking the following precautions:
•       Don’t swim, wade or fish near algae blooms or surface scums
•       Don’t drink the water
•       Keep children and animals away from any algae blooms or surface scums
•       Rinse with clean water if exposed
Anyone who has come into contact with the algae bloom or surface scum and has skin or eye irritation or gastrointestinal illness should contact their health care provider. For further information, please call the Onondaga County Health Department at 435-6600.
Learn more about blue-green algae at: and