Yearly Archives: 2015

It is Essential to Take Steps to Avoid Measles

The Onondaga County Health Department is reminding Onondaga County residents about the importance of being up-to-date on all vaccinations including measles. Since December 2014, there has been an ongoing multistate outbreak of measles in the United States. Dr. Indu Gupta, Commissioner of Health, explained “Onondaga County has not had a confirmed measles case since 2000.… Read more >

Take Precautions During the Cold Weather

Take Precautions During the Cold Weather Onondaga County Health Commissioner, Indu Gupta, MD, MPH, recommends that Onondaga County residents take precautions against the hazards of severe cold weather to prevent cold related injuries and carbon monoxide poisoning.  Dr. Gupta stated, “With these low temperatures, people, especially the elderly and infants, are at risk for hypothermia… Read more >


Welcome to the new Onondaga County Health Department blog! This is my first blog article as Commissioner of Health for Onondaga County. I am looking forward to connecting with you and sharing the latest public health information and updates on local health issues that matter to you. In this debut article, I would like to… Read more >

Onondaga County Health Department Receives Funding to Prepare for National Accreditation

The Onondaga County Health Department has recently been awarded $15,000 to support its progress in meeting the requirements of the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), the first and only voluntary national accreditation program for public health departments. The Onondaga County Health Department is one of 10 local health departments from 10 states to receive this… Read more >

Onondaga County Immunization Clinic is Changing! New Location, New Day, New Time!

There are changes coming to the Onondaga County Health Department Immunization Clinic.  To better accommodate our clients, the Onondaga County Immunization Clinic is moving to a new location, day of the week, and time.  Starting January 7, 2015, the clinic will be located at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 421 Montgomery St., Room 30… Read more >

Preventing Rabies Exposure Remains Important in Winter Months

Onondaga County Commissioner of Health, Indu Gupta, MD, MPH reports that the New York State Health Department’s laboratory confirmed that a cat found in the Town of Onondaga recently tested positive for rabies. This is the second cat that tested positive in 2014, bringing the total number of animals testing positive for rabies in Onondaga… Read more >